The fulcrum now comes in 4 sizes -
All pocket clips and keyring bitholders are also available separately and can be interchanged with all fulcrum sizes.
All Fulcrums, with the exception of the Micro, come with four 4mm WIHA Bits (Philips, Flat, T10, and T8)
*Full Size Timascus Fulcrums come with a Matte Black Clip and Milli Timascus comes with a Raw Key Ring Bit Holder
Product page > Variant picker
Nova Mini
Axon Fixed Blade
Vortex Ti
Axon Liner Lock
Vortex Lite
Vero Ti Cube Bead (Custom)
Vero Axon Frame Lock and Liner Lock Timascus Set
Vero Axon Frame Lock
Synapse XL Zirconium Set
Synapse XL Timascus Set